I decided to start a series specifically addressing mental illness; clinical depression and anxiety in particular, since those are the two I fight with most. I manage them, sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse. Sometimes I want to just die. I don't know if it will ever go away completely, thus the series title Eternal Storms.

I started this series to directly address depression and its stigma. Admitting you have or struggle with depression doesn't make you weak or unworthy. It doesn't make you a bad person. It doesn't mean you're not trying hard enough, eating right or getting enough exercise. It just IS. And society needs to learn to stop judging those who do manage to ask for help. The alternative is that we suffer in silence with our tormentor. And that can kill.

We are no less human that you. We did not ask for this fight. This is not an attention-seeking behavior. This is real, this illness is out for blood. This is just our fight. This matters. And it can be won.

One storm at a time.

This series is dedicated to all the others who fight this battle with me every day. You are all so strong and so brave. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise.